Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Before arriving, I talked to innumerable people about Spain: the culture, the people, the nightlife, the food, and the list goes on. I've made a little list of my own. Here goes...

Things I heard about Spain that haven't proved true:

  • Shorts are unacceptable here. This is fiction - every Spaniard and their mother wears shorts. It's hot as Hades, so the Daisy Dukes are on parade.
  • They don't wear high heels. Wrong! Despite the cobblestone, many ladies rock the pumps on the way to a discoteca.
  • Spaniards are fascinated with blonds. Hah! Has not been the case with this blond. Plus, I've seen a lot of blond Spanish people.
Things that I heard about Spain that are certainly true:
  • HAM! On, with, and in everything.
  • Many Spanish men are short. I feel a bit like a WNBA player.
  • They are in love with California. I just hope I get serenaded with "California Girls" one of these days. Sounds like my kind of night.
Hasta luego!


  1. El horario comercial no tiene nada que ver con la siesta. Por lo demás, interesante blog.

  2. Gracias, no lo sabía. Voy a cambiarlo ahora mismo.
